Source code for pudl_catalog

"""An installable catalog of open data related to the US energy system."""
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path

import intake
import pkg_resources

import pudl_catalog.helpers  # noqa: F401

[docs]logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]INTAKE_BUCKET = ""
# Ideally we would set this version automatically using setuptools_scm...
[docs]CATALOG_VERSION = "v2022.11.30"
[docs]BASE_URLS = { "gs": f"gs://{INTAKE_BUCKET}/{CATALOG_VERSION}", "s3": f"s3://{INTAKE_BUCKET}/{CATALOG_VERSION}", # HTTPS access doesn't really work well, so we're hiding it from users for now. "https": f"{INTAKE_BUCKET}/{CATALOG_VERSION}", }
# Ensure that the user has set the relevant environment variables if os.getenv("PUDL_INTAKE_PATH") is None: "Environment variable PUDL_INTAKE_PATH is not set. " f"Defaulting to {BASE_URLS['s3']}" ) os.environ["PUDL_INTAKE_PATH"] = BASE_URLS["s3"] if os.getenv("PUDL_INTAKE_CACHE") is None: "Environment variable PUDL_INTAKE_CACHE is not set. " f"Defaulting to {os.getenv('HOME')}/.intake/cache" ) os.environ["PUDL_INTAKE_CACHE"] = str(Path.home() / ".intake/cache") # The catalog is a YAML file in the same directory as this init file
[docs]_pudl_catalog_path = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / "pudl_catalog.yaml"
# After installation the catalog should be available
[docs]pudl_cat = intake.open_catalog(_pudl_catalog_path)
[docs]__author__ = "Catalyst Cooperative"
[docs]__contact__ = ""
[docs]__license__ = "MIT License"
[docs]__maintainer__ = "Zane Selvans"
[docs]__maintainer_email__ = ""
[docs]__version__ = pkg_resources.get_distribution("catalystcoop.pudl_catalog").version
[docs]__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
[docs]__description__ = "An catalog of open data related to the US energy system."
[docs]__projecturl__ = ""
[docs]__downloadurl__ = ""